
Toddler Talk: How to get toddlers to love their bed and stay in it!

Toddler Talk: How to get toddlers to love their bed and stay in it!

When I talk to toddler mom’s I don’t know whether to give them a hug, a Tylenol or a coffee. My impulse is all three.

I AM a toddler mom and WOW toddlers are challenging at times. They can switch so fast between emotional explosion because you broke up their banana for them on a day that they suddenly decided that they wanted to eat it whole AND so darn cute the very next second as they eat said banana, singing their favourite song at the top of their lungs. It’s an emotional, physical and mental rollercoaster. and it’s exhausting. It’s exhausting for both parents AND toddlers and the truth is, BOTH need adequate sleep to rise to these developmental progressions. Plus they’re so peaceful and adorable when sleeping..said EVERY PARENT on the planet..!

Mom Guilt and Sleep

Mom Guilt and Sleep

I recently went on a weekend getaway with my husband. We have a 5 month old and a two year old and desperately needed to take a breath and re-connect. Lately we had been so busy that we only spoke to each other like robots coordinating daily plans and logistics, kids pickups, classes, groceries, kids updates (a new tooth, two tantrums etc)...all while having tiny humans hanging off of us. It was needed.