Why do we feel extra tired in the Summer?

Do you find that the sun makes you feel sluggish? Even if you’re not doing much, summer days can leave you feeling exhausted and drained.

There is a reason for that!

I was talking to a mom recently who was dreading the summer, because on top of her regular exhaustion, day trips and outings (you know how much packing and planning that takes!), she knew she would feel drained in the heat and sun - it doesn’t help that we’re always getting a snack for someone.

She just wanted to feel energetic, rested and in a great mood to spend this quality time with her family.

I told her I could definitely help get to those goals, 100% do-able.

Summer days are exhausting by their very nature, imagine layering in poor sleep and non-existent naps. Yes, this sucks for us, but imagine how unpleasant this is for our babies and toddlers.

This mama didn’t need to stress because in a few short weeks she was sleeping 12 hours at night and her 12 month old was taking two solid independent naps a day. She wrote to me saying:

“Our summer has started off great, thanks to your help. I’m not scared anymore!! Mostly because my mood has improved and little Simon has also become a happier baby. Couldn’t have done it without you!” - Jacqui E.

So let’s talk about why summer days are exhausting without layering in sleep deprivation into the whole equation, and YES there is a scientific explanation.

The temperature outside has a direct affect on our bodies. In the heat our bodies have to work overtime to regulate our body temperature. This can take A LOT of energy and work, which in the end can leave you feeling sluggish, exhausted and worn down.

The process by which this happens is called: vasodilation. This process cools our core body temperature by widening the blood vessels under the skin so that heat radiates out from the core of the body to the extremities where it can escape. Your core body temperature can then stay cool while you might notice flushed and red skin, which is just the heat moving out of our bodies (sweat also serves to cool our skin).

This whole process takes a lot of energy as your heart rate and metabolic rate increase and will make you feel tired and sleepy. If you are dehydrated, which a lot of us are in the summer that will cause fatigue as well.

So as you can see you need ALL your energy just to function in hot summer days. Imagine, lack of sleep on top of that? You will be in a deficit. This will shut down the body and brain and they won’t function optimally.

A few tips:

  1. Drink lots of water - stay hydrated even when you don’t feel thirsty.

  2. Ensure your little one is sleeping well all night! - reach out to me for help with this.

  3. If you’re feeling exhausted a 20 minute nap for mom/dad will help.

  4. Don’t miss naps (always offer a nap, even on the go). Naps are essential for re-energizing the body without going into a stress response from exhaustion.

  5. Wake windows might seem a bit shorter, just reduce by 10 minutes at time if baby is exhausted from the sun.

  6. Always use sun protection and take breaks in the shade.

This is why it’s so important to be rested always but especially in the summer months. Use that energy to live your best life. I can guarantee my wonderful families are now living theirs!

Would love to help you enjoy this summer, reach out and let’s see how we can get you sleeping all night asap.

Lil. xx