From holding to sleep for 8 months to happily in her crib & asleep in minutes

Riley's parents decided that it was time for a change when they noticed that their 8-month-old baby was experiencing more night wake-ups, unpredictable bedtimes, and shortened naps. They understood the importance of good sleep for the entire family's well-being and sought a solution.

Riley fell asleep in our arms from about 4 months to 8 months old for naps and bedtime. We could never predict how long it would take her to fall asleep.

To begin their sleep journey, Riley's parents chose a gentle approach - "in the room method." They wanted to ensure their comfort and presence while helping Riley learn to fall asleep independently. They started by formulating a comprehensive plan personalized specifically for Riley during a private call in Your Dream Plan.

With a step-by-step plan in hand, Riley's parents focused on gradually reducing their sleep assistance. Throughout the process, they kept track of Riley's sleep patterns and utilized the private Facebook group to ask questions. Additionally, they regularly attended weekly coaching calls, where they received updates, guidance, and clarification on any concerns they had.

It quickly became evident that Riley's parents were dedicated to making the necessary changes and putting sleep as a priority. 

We learned strategies to help Riley learn to fall asleep independently in her crib. We were able to choose a strategy that worked for us and our baby's temperment (very minimal crying involved). Once she could fall asleep independently, she would put herself back to sleep when she woke up overnight or during a nap. We also got schedule help to make sure we were putting Riley down for naps and bedtime at just the right time (not overtired or undertired) to give her the best opportunity to learn to sleep independently.

Within a few weeks of consistent effort, Riley achieved impressive progress. She began sleeping independently throughout the night and stopped waking up for night feeds. Her naps also became more independent, with Riley settling herself back to sleep following each wake-up. 

She rolls around happily in her crib for a few minutes then falls asleep. She now sleeps from her bedtime to the morning without waking up, and she even weaned herself off her night feed once she could fall asleep independently.

Witnessing Riley's remarkable transformation within such a short span of time was truly amazing. It reinforced the belief that with a well-thought-out plan and adequate support, significant improvements in sleep can be achieved. Your Dream Plan seeks parents who are ready to actively engage and commit to long-lasting results. By utilizing the provided resources and support, success is guaranteed.

I truly cannot overstate how valuable your dream plan has been for us! Not only did it help our little nugget, but it also helped both of us learn how to give our baby the best opportunity for great sleeps. Within a week, we saw such a great improvement, and we now have the tools to troubleshoot any off days and make changes on the fly with success.