I was a human pacifier, my baby could not sleep without me but I couldn't leave her to cry: Annie's Story

When Madeline sought our assistance, she was overwhelmed and exhausted. Her primary concern was her daughter Annie's inadequate sleep, which was taking a toll on the entire family's well-being.

Desperate for a solution, Madeline shared her concerns in her intake questionnaire.

"My daughter was using me as a human pacifier, my husband was sleeping on the couch, and none of us were getting any sleep."

Madeline feared that sleep training would mean leaving Annie to cry all night, which triggered her anxieties about parenting. We assured Madeline that while crying might still occur, she could comfort and soothe Annie as much as she desired.

To avoid fussiness and excessive crying, our aim was to create optimal conditions for baby Annie's rest. By addressing exhaustion, we could positively impact emotional stability. Many families lack the knowledge to properly establish these conditions, leading to unnecessary crying.

We designed a comprehensive plan for Annie, considering her temperament, and selected a method that aligned with her needs while ensuring Madeline felt entirely comfortable.

“I felt so much better knowing we had a solid thought out plan and that I wouldn’t be guessing anymore. We saw an end in sight!”

Critical to this process was the support we provided through the Your Dream Plan program. Recognizing that no one should tackle this alone, we guided Madeline every step of the way, answering her questions and offering reassurance. The personalized plan was essential, but it was the unwavering support that guaranteed success.

Through Your Dream Plan we offer both! It’s not an online course that leaves you to figure it out on your own. We want to see you success and celebrate that success with you.

Within four days, little Annie began sleeping 12 hours a night and gained the ability to sleep independently with minimal fussing. The following week, we focused on optimizing daytime naps, and by the second week, Annie was confidently napping on her own, resettling for longer periods. We gradually reduced night feeds, enabling Annie to consume more during the day. Now, Mom and Dad could sleep peacefully in their own room, confident in Annie's ability to self-soothe while attending to her needs when necessary.

“The funny part is that we realized that she didn’t really need us and we where all able to get better rest. We still bring her into bed for cuddles in the morning and it’s the best of both worlds” - Madeline

We where so happy to work with this lovely family inside Your Dream Plan because they where open to making changes, understandably nervous but willing to give it a try. That’s what make our families so successful. We are happy to coach you if you are ready to coach your little one.

The results are a lifetime of great sleep and who wouldn’t want to invest in that!

“We are definitely glad we did the program, it changed everything for us and I feel so much better about sleep. Now no one cries and we are feeling happier”