Case Study: 2-year old Zara

Where We started

A lot of parents will relate to how Zara’s mom felt…overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. 

Zara, had a completely unreliable nap schedule, leaving mom with little time to get stuff done. As well, Zara slept 10:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m. and woke up multiple times each night so more than 2 hrs at a time. This meant that Mom had no time to herself at the end of the day to unwind and reset before the next day arrived. She was up all night and emotionally exhausted.

My daughter would wake up multiple times a night and would sleep 10PM to 8AM. It was mentally exhausting not being able to have time to unwind at the end of the day. Her day naps were completely unreliable, leaving me with little opportunity to get work done. - Lisa

The Goals

Sarah’s goals were for little Zara to sleep independently and on a schedule.

Using our support and resources, they rocked these goals!  

The Results

Zara is now on a great sleep schedule. This meant that Lisa can plan her days and be able to get things done! Instead of being constantly on-call, Lisa now knows that Zara can sleep independently. Zara has learned how to self-soothe and sleeps for 11-12 hours. Mom has learned how to support her daughter’s sleep and has benefited from our community where she can meet other parents just like her. 

At the end of our work together, Lisa went from feeling overwhelmed and like she could not take a break. Now, she feels relief. The relief of being able to have some freedom again. I am SO happy that I was able to help this family find some balance in their lives. 

This is what Lisa had to say about Your Dream Plan: 

Lily provided all the information, techniques and support you'll need to get your child sleeping through the night. She also provides you with the life tools to get over the hiccups you may encounter down the road. The community she's built of supportive mamas is a feat all on its own. Thank you Lily!

Note for Parents

Parents, please know that while parenting is a 24/7 responsibility this does not mean that you should not all have the opportunity to rest. It is so important that you have time to recharge - for your physical, emotional and mental health. It will truly make you the best parent you can possibly be for your child. I cannot understate it - teaching your baby to sleep independently is so important. Sleep is so important for everyone.

If you want to support your baby in learning how to sleep independently and reclaim some of your time and sanity back plus be the best version of you possible— check out Your Dream Plan. This program is designed for YOU. Get a step-by-step plan so that you can finally enjoy longer night sleep, easy bedtimes and consistent naps in just a few weeks. As well, you’ll have my support and a whole community of moms to cheer you along the way.