3 FUN ways to get your toddler to sit on the Potty - for more than 5 seconds.

The struggle is real. You start potty training and your toddler right out REFUSES to sit.

Where once they seemed excited, they are now running from that potty like their life depends on it!

Maybe you are months in and they’re still refusing to sit (common btw).

Unless you do it right the first time, the truth is…Potty training CAN drag on for months!



The first step of successful toilet training is:

  1. Having them SIT on the potty!

Having worked with many families, I’ve come up with my 3 top strategies for getting our little ones excited to actually sit longer than a few seconds.

Here they are:

Book Party: Have them pick out 2-3 books that are designated specifically for the potty. Read them together or have them flip through them on their own. We want our little ones to be excited to read them and interested enough to sit on the potty for longer periods of time.

Bubble games: Have them sit and fill a small bowl with warm water and throw some bubbles in (with just soap). Have them dip their feet in and have a little splash party. The sensation of water on their feet will naturally help them pee. Blowing bubbles is also a fun way to keep them engaged. It also works the abdominal muscles and will help them push to go.

Role Play: To reduce fear and anxiety I often recommend children first teach their favourite doll or stuffed animal how to use the potty and have them sit first. Walking them through this process can help them understand expectations, feel empowered and be more willing to sit and demonstrate.

In the end we want them to feel relaxed. So any activity that distracts them and allows them to look forward to sitting on the potty- because it’s only used at this time (even tablets or 5-10 min of screen time, if you are comfortable to give them a special treat for sitting, as long as it keeps their attention).

You will find that children are entertained by the smallest simplest things.

Never force or hold children on the potty as it will result in fear and push back. Always have them agree to go on and this might call for creative strategies.

Forcing, holding, reprimanding, asking and constantly focusing on the potty will have the opposite effect.

Remember this is brand new for them.

in the end the way YOU act is going to either stress them out or make them feel at ease. Act positive, confident and like you know THEY GOT THIS (because they do 😉)

For the price of buying the books (excluding the time and your sanity) or a few boxes of diapers you can get the plan, knowledge (in all the books, research) in just 3 modules and best of all, customized support to get you through the bumps - an expert in your back pocket.

Whether you are just starting, thinking of starting or months in and pulling out your hair…I can help. You are not alone in this.

Check out Lil Potty Plan here!

Stay dry my friends,

Lil xx

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