3 Things you need to know about Music & Sleep!

Studies suggest that slow, soothing music can lower your heart rate and relax the body for sleep. It can also reduce anxiety and for babies a less anxious parent is the key to falling asleep.

Music has been used for inducing sleep for decades and it’s a great tool for creating some great healthy sleep habits.

So should you use it with your baby?

Should your baby sleep with music on?

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Does it help your baby sleep longer?

Here are the three answers to those questions:

1. So should you use it with your baby? YES! Music is great for brain development, and when it comes to sleep it’s great for calming and cueing sleep. It can be a GREAT part of your bedtime routine.

2. Should your baby sleep with music on? NO.

As much as I love music as part of your baby’s bedtime routine and wind down, I don’t recommend that it be on during sleep time. The reason is, that while it’s relaxing, it’s still stimulating your brain and has notes that are not static (like white noise) so any change in pitch can wake baby up and if it’s not a consistent tone (which most music isn’t), then it will actually disturb sleep and wake baby up fully between sleep cycles.

So no, turn it off before putting your baby down and switch to white noise (that should be on all night long).

3. Does it help your baby sleep longer? While music or even you singing to your baby is great for calming, relaxing, and preparing for sleep, It won’t help your baby sleep longer. It will, however, get you and your little one relaxed enough to help you fall asleep. Having music on all night can, in fact, can have the opposite effect. So stick to white noise for sleep, give their little brains one less thing to focus on, and provide consistent noise that won’t disturb sleep.

Music has such a great effect on the brain and mood. During awake time, I absolutely encourage it. Hey and while you’re at it do a little dancing along with it! That will help get out some energy and exercise is also great for sleep! WIN-WIN!

Stay rested my friends,

Lily xx

If you want to learn about how to get your little one sleeping better, reach out anytime and let’s chat