Case Study: Baby Ava - 3 months old

Before: Mom came to me needing some help getting little Ava on a good schedule.

She was having short 30-minute naps and needed to be held and rocked each time.

Mom has a toddler at home so really wanted Ava to start sleeping independently so she could manage both babies and have some time to herself while she napped.

Mom also wanted to get a nice long stretch at night as Ava was getting up multiple times throughout the night.

The Plan: We implemented a comprehensive and very customized plan for Ava. Due to Ava’s age we choose a very gentle and gradual approach that still allowed her mom to assist her when needed.

Ava’s mom put her down at the right times to avoid her getting overtired and implemented an earlier bedtime. If Ava had a short nap, mom was able to confidently troubleshoot the day and she started sleeping longer stretches at night.

Now: Ava goes down awake and falls asleep independently for naps. She has lengthened her naps to up to hours for the afternoon nap! Meaning that at 4 months she has mastered putting herself to sleep.

She is only getting up once at night to feed and then sleeping until morning where she wakes for the next feed. She is on two feeds at night which is very age appropriate and suits her (and mom). Mom puts her back in her crib awake after her feed and she puts herself back to sleep. She is also able to actively put herself to sleep at other wake-ups during the night. Mom is now sleeping long stretches and feels rested and energized throughout the day.

Ava now has predictable naps, is a rested happy baby and mom can now plan naps on the go as she also has to take her toddler to activities.

We were able to achieve everything on their wish list and her parents were able to achieve their goals.

This family was such a pleasure to work with. They needed some guidance but once given their action plan, implemented it perfectly and saw beautiful results!

Little Ava will now be a great little sleeper for life and her parents can enjoy both of their girls to the fullest!