Case Study: Baby Oakley - 4 months old


Before: Short naps. Rocked to sleep and waking every 20-40 minutes at the beginning half of the night.

Now: Falls asleep without fussing within 5 minutes. Able to sleep independently, waking once at night to eat and sleeping 12 hours with no rocking or crying. Longer naps, predictable schedule and a rested happy baby and parents.

Little Oakley was just 4 months when we began working together. She was rocked to sleep and having short naps. She was waking every 20-40 minutes at night and needed mom or dad to rock her back to sleep.

Together with Oakley’s parents we worked together to get a comprehensive sleep plan in place. The goals for Oakley’s sleep were:

• To have Oakley sleeping all night independently but still keep one-night feed
• Eliminate early morning wakings
• Improve naps and start to lengthen them
• Have a well-rested family, more energy during the day and create some healthy sleep habits

Within 2 weeks, we were successful at achieving each of these goals.

Oakley is now a well-rested baby that sleeps all night long (with one feed) and has the skills to put herself back to sleep on her own. She is no longer overtired, and parents have implemented a good routine for her. Mom and Dad no longer rock her to sleep and she falls asleep and back to sleep independently. She has mastered independent sleep!

Mom and Dad now have the knowledge, understanding and confidence to approach sleep and prioritize it for the entire family’s wellbeing. They can now enjoy their sweet little girls, with the energy they need to keep up with a toddler and baby.

I loved working with this family. Both parents were so involved and ready to commit to the process. They worked so hard and within two weeks started seeing improvements. They are now experiencing all the benefits of good sleep habits and I’m so delighted to have witnessed this transformation.