The ONE Thing That Is Responsible For Transforming My Family's Sleep

I often tell my story, being a first time mom with a traumatic start to motherhood. My son developed a fever at 2 days old and needed to be rushed back to the hospital (how I noticed he had a fever is a miracle).

He was severely dehydrated, has lost over 14% of his birth weight and was basically starving.

Me as a first time mom, assumed he had been getting my milk. He wasn’t. Our ordeal included 5 days with IV’s (watching them try to find a vein on a 2 day old was traumatizing), a spinal tab and lots of scary moments. So much so, that I was not able to breastfeed my second baby due to PTSD from the experience. It was just the beginning of my breastfeeding struggles.

But I digress.

I ended up rocking and holding my baby to sleep and at 4 months, I couldn’t do it anymore.

I was exhausted. I never talk about this in detail when I tell my story but I should.

What changed? How did I go from the brink of exhaustion to sleeping almost 12 hours by 5 months?

Well, let me tell you it happened at 3am. Sound familiar?

I was pumping milk on the couch, on my phone, anticipating the next wakeup.

I was crying. mostly of frustration and exhaustion. I googled “baby sleep”, I googled “why won’t my baby sleep”…I went down a rabbit hole.

I found a course online that promised that they could help my baby sleep. Pfff…Impossible. They didn’t know my stubborn little guy.

I was thumb happy and I bought it…yikes! my husband was going to kill me! But it gave me HOPE. I needed to change this situation and I knew I had to do something. I had to commit to change.

I committed. I spend the next day while I held my son, reading, learning and watching the short video modules. I started implementing. I started seeing results. One online course on baby sleep and I was experiencing some great nights. 4 hours, 5 hours, 8 hours! 12 hours! WHATTTTT

It was a year later than I embarked on the journey of being a Certified Sleep Consultant, that learning was intense! but I believe in it SOO much.

And here’s the thing, now that I work with families to help resolve their sleep situations, I am beyond passionate about the idea of committing to change because I can guarantee you IT CAN HAPPEN.

So we’ve established that I love online courses. I take them (not just sleep…personal development, business, nutrition), I invest in them because I believe that investing in myself is the best thing I can do to ensure my success and thus my families happiness.

But here’s the thing. Yes, there is a BUT. Even with the initial sleep course I found that if I didn’t have the deep drive, just watching videos and reading a workbook would not be enough. I needed accountability. I needed community. These are ESSENTIAL in my opinion to any online program.

This is why I LOVE the work I do with my private clients. Because there is something different about working one-on-one with a coach.

It pretty much guarantees results because you are accountable and they are getting you to the finish line, you do it TOGETHER (at least that’s the case with me and my clients). We’re a team. And I know this is why my clients see drastic results every time. Because I’m ALL IN (If you’ve ever worked with me, you know this).

So when I came across the opportunity to build my own online course, I will be honest I hesitated.

How do I take all of that support that I provide my private clients and build that into an online DIY course? It’s so important to me to be able to be there to offer support to a tired mama or dad. I didn’t want to compromise that.

So I figured it out. There is not enough of me to provide private support for everyone needing my help. So I needed to figure out a way to incorporate my coaching, an online community, accountability AND learning. In an easy to use platform.

I’m happy to report that I was able to build out a course that includes ALL of this!

More than that, it’s got video’s, worksheets, charts and coaching time all in one beautiful platform, that you can download on your phone. I’m super proud and can’t wait to use it with my first 10 families.

The YOUR DREAM PLAN online program, its different than any other DYI course, its a hybrid between group coaching and an online lesson-based course with modules and workbooks to help you build your own customized sleep plan. The videos walk you through exactly how to implement the sleep training method you choose for YOUR family. I will lay it all out. There are gentle methods I walk you through on video and through a downloadable workbook, so you know exactly how to implement correctly.

The best part is that I will be there with you (through a 1 hour call and weekly Q&A’s). The community will be there with you. You are not alone in this and we will all ensure that we are pushing you to success.

Did I mention that it’s only 4 weeks and I don’t mean to brag but by the second week 95% of my clients are sleeping. Wayyy before the course is done you will be sleeping. Too good to be true? try it. It’s your dream plan.

Click here to find out more and get yourself on the waitlist! Course starts June 1st, 2020.