The 2 to 1 Nap Transition - How to do it!

This is a tricky one! You’re not alone if you’re unsure of what to do and how to adjust naps at this age.

The adjustment to just one nap and a longer wake window can be a hard one. If your little one is not ready it can be a nightmare…an overtired nightmare that can spin out of control very easily.

So Ask Yourself:

Is your little one is between 15-18 months?

Have they have skipped the morning nap for the last 2 weeks?

Can they make it to at least noon without getting overtired?

When they have two naps you are having trouble getting them to settle at bedtime?

Are they waking up early in the morning?

If you have answered yes at least one of these questions and your little one is within the age range then yes, they may indeed be ready.

So what to do?!

As always you have options!

The Gradual Approach 

*Ideal for babies closer to 15 months

  1. Shorten nap one - it can be 15-30 minutes.

  2. Continue shortening the nap until your little one is consistently just catnapping for 15 minutes in the mornings.

  3. You will then need to bring nap 2 earlier and shorten the wake window to make up for this short morning nap.

  4. Nap 2 should start getting longer (this might take a few weeks).

  5. Then remove the 15-minute nap and push nap 2 to 11:30 am (early bedtime will be needed until nap 2 lengthens).

  6. Push nap by 15 minutes every other day until you are having a noon nap.

  7. Stay consistent with this schedule and your little one will follow.

The Get Er’ Done Approach

*Ideal for babies closer to 18 months

  1. Go straight to an 11/11:30 am nap.

  2. Push nap by 15 minutes every other day until you land at noon.


  1. Go straight into a noon nap.

  2. Stay consistent.

  3. Distract them until noon (go for a nice walk, change the activity).

  4. Continue with this schedule but move bedtime earlier until nap 2 has lengthened to at least 2/2.5 hrs.

Truths about this transition

  • Your little one will likely be overtired.

  • Many go into an overtired cycle and start having early morning wakings as a result.

  • It takes a few weeks for babies to adjust.

  • Parents often get frustrated with a short nap at first, it will lengthen but we have to give it time.

Mitigating overtired by:

  • Early bedtime- move bedtime up for the first week or two

  • offer a short 15-minute catnap if they need it at 9:30 am but otherwise just distract them to as close to noon as possible.

Can they make it until at least noon? If your baby is too young or not ready for this transition, you’ll find they won’t make it to noon and this tells us that they can’t handle such a long wake window (they have to be able to handle a 4.5/5 hour wake window).

Keep that 15-20 minute catnap in the morning for as long as you need. Once you make the decision to go to one nap, move forward with that consistently. Baby will follow!

Are you still having trouble? Is your baby stuck in a cycle of overtired, short naps, and early wakings as a result?

Many parents prefer to have support along the way, getting them to great sleep with one-on-one personalized help. It’s easier and faster! So book a free call with me to talk about what is going on and some solutions that will get you sleeping asap!