Newborn Case Study: Henry – 2 months old.

Before: Henry needed assistance for naps and they were often short. At night he was waking every 2-3 hours and was fussy going down, waking up multiple times in the first half of the night. When he woke up at night, he would be up for 2 hours before falling back asleep with his parent’s assistance.

Mom and Dad where feeling frustrated and exhausted.

Now: Falls asleep independently for naps. Is having 3 naps a day, can link sleep cycles and achieve longer naps (average is 1.5 hours), is getting around 4 hours of day sleep. Is waking once for a feed at night. Stretches are 7 hours between feeds or longer. Is doing longer stretches at night, sleeping independently and linking sleep cycles. Henry now has a predictable schedule and is a rested, happy baby.

Mom and Dad are now rested, get a break during naps and have time to spend with both their young kids.

Little Henry was just 2 months when we began working together. His schedule for sleep was unpredictable and he needed assistance and feeds to sleep.

Together with Henry’s parents we worked together to put in place some great sleep habits and structure to his days. This helped, achieve longer stretches of sleep and helped Henry feel comfortable in his own sleep space. He is now a well-rested baby with some great sleep foundations to carry him throughout his first years of life.

The goals for Henry’s sleep were:

  • To have Henry going down to sleep and sleeping longer stretches independently at night.

  • Improve naps, have a predictable routine and have Henry sleeping independently for naps.

  • Have a well-rested family, more energy during the day and create some healthy sleep habits for all

    We were successful at achieving each of these goals during our time together. Henry is no longer overtired, and fussy at the end of the day as his parents have implemented a good routine for him. Mom and Dad no longer spend hours feeding and rocking to sleep.

    Mom and Dad now have the knowledge, understanding and confidence to approach sleep and prioritize it for the entire family’s wellbeing. They can now enjoy their sweet little boys; with the energy they need to keep up with a toddler and baby.

    I loved working with this family. Both parents were so involved and ready to commit to the process. They worked so hard and within two weeks started seeing improvements. They are now experiencing all the benefits of good sleep habits and I’m so delighted to have witnessed this transformation.

*Photo credit: Ash Naylor photography