Multiple wake-ups- Meet Michelle and Della

At 13 months old, Della was still not sleeping for long stretches of time. She would wake up 1-5 times every single night and was not able to fall back asleep on her own. 

Michelle, tired from long (often nap-less) days, needed to breastfeed her back to sleep after each and every wake-up. This exhausted mama was worried about how this lack of rest would harm her daughter, while also being concerned with how sleep training could have a negative effect.

At Lil Baby Sleep, we know how confusing and overwhelming all of the advice about sleep training can be. We also know that you always want what is best for your little ones. We hear from so many parents who, like Michelle, are scared of causing any discomfort to their kids through the process. Lily and Jen sort through the unnecessary noise and ease your mind by finding what works specifically for YOU and YOUR family.

We began with a one-on-one call to really get to know this family’s unique needs. From there, we were able to create a personalized game plan on how to best start the journey! 

We provided them with all of the tools and strategies they needed, while coaching them the whole time.

“It was validating to know that we weren’t going to cause any damage to my daughter by doing this and that it was the right thing to do for all of us.”

Your Dream Plan Mama


The determined parents immediately applied the suggestions they were given and saw quick results! Right away, Della was down to only one wake-up a night.  Within 2-3 weeks of diving into Your Dream Plan, she was sleeping through the night and napping so much better. 

This mama’s only regret?

Not starting sooner!

“Super thankful for you both!  Don’t wait until your baby is over a year old (to join the program)!”

A Well Rested Mama, Michelle