Dreading bedtime: Meet Noah and Adriana

At 7 months old, Noah’s sleep schedule was keeping his parents on their toes. 

Before participating in Your Dream Plan, they never knew how many wake-ups a night would bring. (And this was after spending at least 3 hours trying to get him to sleep!) Naps were just as unpredictable and no amount of rocking and/or feeding was helping. 

They were frustrated, exhausted and would DREAD bedtime.

“It was hard to catch my breath during the day…and on top of that, I was waking up at least 2-3 times a night. I was a mess.”

Your Dream Plan Mama- Adriana

We know no two babies or families are alike, so we got right to work on customizing a schedule with techniques that were tailored not only to Noah’s age; but to this family’s specific needs. 

Adriana filled out logs to make sure we were kept up to date on their day-to-day routines and progress. Between advice on these logs, and always being available to answer questions, we were with this mama every step of the way.



After 2 nights, they were able to put a great bedtime routine into place. Noah was not only falling asleep quickly, but sleeping through the night. With the exhaustion fog lifting, Adriana felt that she was able to be more present and connected during the day, while getting more done. 

These doting parents were able to reclaim their evenings, get in some much needed quality time, and SLEEP!

“I feel great! Noah sleeps 12 hour nights and 

we are no longer afraid of bedtime.  We are all sleeping so well at night and are so grateful to Lily and Jen for teaching us some amazing tools and guiding us through this process.  This program changed our life.”

A Well Rested Mama- Adriana

We want the same for you. Learn more about Your Dream Plan and book a call to see if it’s a good fit for your family xx