How to skip a nap...and not mess up your day!

Lily are you saying that it’s OKAY to skip naps?!

Yes, I’m saying it’s more than okay, it’s expected!

Not all of your days will be perfect, to have that expectation is going to set you up for a stressful day worrying about sleep.

I want you to be comfortable troubleshooting your day and confident in what to do when naps are skipped. That’s the great thing about having a great little sleeper, they are flexible and can adjust to anything but more than that, it’s important that YOU have the knowledge to make adjustments as needed.

If we stay in nap jail all the time how are we expected to enjoy our new found energy and moments with our baby?

Let me give you some guidelines that will make this possible for you:

  • Your baby must be well-rested and sleeping well, to begin with - if they have a sleep debt, are waking multiple times, and needing assistance back to sleep at night, then you will have a miserable overtired baby, and skipping a nap will be NO FUN (You and they will likely pay for it at night with even less sleep). Get that done and sorted now access Your Dream Plan HERE.

  • Your baby should be able to at least take a short nap on the go - We want to have the flexibility of having our baby/toddler take short naps in a stroller or car seat. Getting them used to these sleep environments will be so important. This is all about exposure and practice.

  • You should be able to troubleshoot the rest of the day with ease so that your child gets the opportunity to get the sleep that they NEED. My clients are troubleshooting PROS! Know your ideal wake windows, total day sleep needed and when to adjust for next nap and bedtime.

  • Your little one should be settling for naps independently so they have the skills to put themselves to sleep anywhere.

If this is you then, go ahead and skip that nap! or troubleshoot and work around your outings and events but don’t be stuck at home!

A baby and mama that are well rested can adjust and bounce back very quickly.

If you are going to skip a nap or adjust your schedule, make sure you are giving your child the opportunity to get the total day sleep they need, either before or afterward.

Below are some free schedules and nap guides by age that may help! You can adjust these based on the length of the nap but use them as a guide.

Skipping a nap doesn’t mean not sleeping, it just means having the flexibility to adjust sleep when something comes up.

All of this should be based on wake windows and splitting naps when necessary. A baby with some great sleep foundations can be put to bed early and it’s like nothing happened! Even if they wake up early in the morning, they can just put themselves back to sleep.

Now, what if your baby is skipping a nap on their own…you are offering (without “putting” or “making” your baby sleep) and they are not budging? (This usually happens around 12 months old and is a very common developmental blip.)

Then keep offering, take a breather change the environment and offer the nap again. Switch it up and go for a walk if it’s getting tense and make sure your little one is comfortable in their crib and used to putting themselves to sleep without assistance. It takes work up front but is so worth it to have a flexible, rested baby.

Skipped naps are a normal part of life and as long as you are consistent most of the time, they will happen! No need to panic just continue on with your day and stay consistent. Your baby will pick up on that pattern and follow along.

It’s important that you talk to me if you need help getting your baby to put themselves to sleep at each wake-up overnight and for naps! Without this skipped naps will create chaotic, fractured sleep and miserable babies and parents.

Look forward to connecting about getting you the best sleep ever!!

Lil. xx

Your Pediatric Sleep Consultant