3 month old not taking naps more than 30 minutes and not falling asleep easily...

Case Study: Aria – 3 months old

Before: Little Aria was having a hard time settling at bedtime and having short naps. Mom was not able to put her down for independent naps and had to hold her the entire time. Mom and Dad also had a hard time calming her between 7-9pm and bedtime was stressful for everyone. She was fussy, overtired and overstimulated.

“Aria is not taking naps more than 30 minutes and she is not falling asleep easily either for naps or bedtime. It feels like she is not getting enough sleep or quality sleep and that just makes her fussy. As a result, both her mom and me (I’m the father) are exhausted. We would like to ensure that Aria gets her sleep for healthy development and we also get to rest a little bit :)” – Mustafa

Aria’s parents reached out in desperation as they were having to hold for all naps, which were short and it was a struggle to get her down each night at bedtime. They needed some relief and couldn’t manage with the exhaustion.

“We would like to feel confident when putting her to sleep as it's been such a stressful experience for all of us so far”.

We came up with a comprehensive plan for little Aria, with the right wake windows that were age-appropriate. Her new schedule had her getting the right amount of day sleep and ensured that she wasn’t getting overtired which is why she was getting fussy at bedtime. They set up the optimal sleep environment for her which helped her settle and stay asleep longer. We walked parents through settling techniques that were developmentally appropriate and supported them in carrying out the plan through daily support and feedback. In a few weeks, Aria was sleeping like a champ!



Now: Little Aria is a champion sleeper! At only 3.5 months she was falling asleep independently and easily. She sleeps from approximately 7pm to 7am with 1 feed overnight. She is no longer fussy and is getting some great day sleep. Mom and dad are able to put her down and she puts herself to sleep on her own.

Mom and Dad are no longer stressed out in the evenings trying to calm her, she has developed some great sleep skills and sleep habits. They also now know what to expect and understand sleep a lot more, helping them feel confident on how to approach it as she gets older.

UPDATE**Aria is now 6 months and still a great sleeper, she sleeps 7am-7pm with no feeds. She now has lifelong skills and mom and dad are equipped with the knowledge on what to do when something comes up. This is proof that once established you can expect a lifetime of sleep and the confidence to never have to worry about sleep again!

If you can relate to this story reach out to me for support, I promise it can get better.

Lil xx