Case Study: Matthew - 10 months old

“Lily gave us the knowledge and encouragement that we needed - our baby now sleeps through the night! It was helpful to get the reassurance that we were doing the right thing and get tailored advice. We wish we got the help sooner” - Florence

Before: Short unpredictable naps and broken night sleep, waking up to eat and using the pacifier and rocking to get back to sleep multiple times at night.

Now: Sleeping 12 hours + with no pacifier, night feeds or rocking. Predictable naps and schedule and a rested happy baby and parents.

Little Matthew was 10 months old when we began working together. He needed a pacifier and to be rocked to sleep and was still feeding at night. Mom and Dad needed some relief and asked for help.

Together with Matthew’s parents we worked together to get a comprehensive sleep plan in place. The goals for Matthew’s sleep were:

• To develop a good routine to help Matthew get better overall sleep.
• Strategies to get Matthew self-settling and sleeping independently. At least 12 hours straight at night.• Naps to be longer and more predictable.
• Have parents rested so they have more energy to spend together as a family.
• Create healthy sleep habits for the entire family.

Just a few weeks after putting our plan in place, we were able to achieve all of these goals!

Matthew is now a well-rested baby that sleeps all night long and has the skills to put himself back to sleep on his own. He is no longer overtired, and parents have implemented a good routine for him. Mom and Dad no longer rock him to sleep and he doesn’t need the pacifier anymore, he has mastered independent sleep.

Matthew eats three meals a day and was able to wean off night feeds.

Mom and Dad now have the knowledge, understanding and confidence to approach sleep and prioritize it for the entire family’s wellbeing. They can now enjoy their sweet little boy with the energy they need to start toddlerhood.

I loved working with this family. Both parents were so involved and ready to commit to the process. They had to adjust their bedtime a little, but they now see the benefits of having a well-rested little boy and can use their evenings to focus on their own self-care. They are now experiencing all the benefits of good sleep habits and I’m so delighted to have witnessed this transformation.

*posted with parents permission. Child’s name changed for privacy.