Baby Sleep Schedule: 3 Ways to Keep Your Baby on a Good Sleep Routine for New Years & Beyond

Holiday stress is real and now more than ever.

How do we maintain peace in our households and a good sleep schedule without our baby or toddler getting off track when it comes to sleep?

We know that sleep plays a critical role brain development as well as emotional regulation in children.

This year might look very different but the stress level is the same or greater. Stress affects sleep.

Whether it be for Christmas or New Years Eve and beyond, you might worry about your child’s schedule being disrupted over the holidays. Later bedtimes, more car trips and interrupted sleep. Now with the added stress of Covid.

Here are 3 ways you can maintain great sleep during these times and beyond.

The foundations of great sleep don’t waiver but applying it to each household and situation/circumstance is something that I help parents do.


Staying consistent is the key to great sleep. I’ll say that again. Staying consistent is the key to great sleep.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t have an off night or live your life. It just means that as long as you are consistent 80% of the time, 20% of the time LIFE HAPPENS.

You can stay consistent even if your circumstances change. Keeping a bedtime routine (no matter where you are) is a great way to do that. Even if it’s short, it’s those familiar actions that will cue your baby for sleep and help keep a familiarity that helps them relax and know what to expect. If you can’t keep the environment that same, keep the items your child sleeps in or with the same (sleep sack, if old enough and it’s safe their favourite stuffed friend or even the sheets they are used to). A white noise machine is great for maintaining consistency and always always as dark as possible.

The great thing about a bedtime routine is that you can do it anywhere are anytime, even if it’s short. It’s two to three things that you do before sleep to wind down. Keep that as consistent as possible and keep the timing of bedtime as consistent as you can. Knowing that we can’t always control bedtime but we aim for an early consistent bedtime when possible.

Physical Activity

Being cooped inside can affect your mood and health. Make sure to go out and get lots of physical activity. Come up with creative ways to get some fresh air and activity. This will not only help with increasing sleep pressure but will help you. sleep better! Also, physical. activity is. linked to better mood and wellbeing.

Wake windows and bedtime can be adjusted according to activity level. Lot’s of physical activity can mean a need for an earlier bedtime or less activity may extend wake windows. Here is a free guide on wake windows by age. Good Sleep Routines begin with a great schedule!


Not every day is going to be perfect. Naps and bedtime WILL get pushed, scraped and rearranged. Knowing how to troubleshoot your day will ensure you stay on track.

Know how much day sleep you are aiming for. Break up naps into smaller naps or split naps if needed. Throw in a cat nap if it’s going to be a late night and early bedtime is your saving grace when day sleep was short or non-existent.

Offer sleep and offer the conditions for sleep and then take a breath. We cannot force our children to sleep, especially when they feel excited, stimulated or stressed. Our bodies are not meant to sleep when experiencing those emotions, in fact they are triggered to wake up. So try to reduce stimulation and stress in the environment and yourself and they will be able to relax.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to force sleep even in non-ideal situations. Stress in parents will only create stress in children. Stress in the body will produce stress hormones which wire the body up (fight or flight). So watch your stress and take care of you. Act confident (even though you might not be) and your little one will. relax enough to fall asleep easier.

In the end, if your baby is well rested they will bounce back. So it’s important to resolve any sleep issues before hand. A well rested child that sleep independently will surprise you at how resilient they are and how fast they can get back to their sleep routines with little adjustment. As long as. you are leading the way.

Reach out for a plan to help you lead the way to great sleep because even coaches need coaches.

Stay Rested,

Lil. xx

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