Skepticism and a soother: Meet Katherine and Sofia

At only 3.5 months old, Sofia was waking up every 2 hours and could only fall back asleep with the help of a soother or a bottle. Her parents were exhausted and finding it hard to give 100% to their baby throughout the day. 

They worried that this was their new “normal” and that sleep was a thing of the past.  With her little one being so young, Katherine also had concerns that Your Dream Sleep may not be a good fit.

“As a mom, I was a little skeptical given the 

high needs my baby has and her still being 

very young.”

Your Dream Plan Mama


At Lil Baby Sleep, we believe that giving up sleep should NEVER be your new normal and that it is never too early to prioritize your entire family’s rest.  

We started by offering this hard-working mama hope during a bonus free call. Any and every baby is able to sleep well, and we want to remind parents of this at the beginning of any journey! From there, we got to work on making a custom plan with a focus on weaning off of the soother and learning to sleep independently.  Mamas like Katherine always have the added support of our facebook group. 

You never have to do it alone.

By night 3 of sleep training, Sofia was sleeping 11-12 hours a night!  She was falling asleep within 5-8 minutes and was able to put herself back to sleep independently.  On top of that, the soother was taken away cold turkey.

What’s more?

The family was able to get these results with a plan that fit their lifestyle.

“I just want to share for all the parents that 

this program has flexibility! It wasn’t a strict 

schedule you had to follow and being trapped 

at home.  My baby was able to nap on the go.  

It fit my life perfectly!”

A Well Rested Mama
