Breastfeeding to sleep & short 20 minute naps - 4 month old Isabel

“I didn’t have any down time to myself” -Melissa’s story

Melissa needed some predictability and relief.

Her little girl was having short naps, her nap times where unpredictable, mom had to hold her for all naps and she was strongly dependent on feeding to sleep.

Putting little Isabel to sleep took hours. She would go down and wake back up shortly after.

Mom was exhausted. Isabel was exhausted.

As much as she tried herself, she couldn’t get her baby to fall asleep without a feed and for longer than 20-30 minutes at a time. At night she was up every few hours feeding back to sleep each time.

Melissa reached out for help as she was feeling overwhelmed and depleted.

“I was the only one able to put her down for naps and night sleep and needed to rock or breastfeed to sleep. This was really hard on me as i felt all day long i was just trying to put her down for sleeps giving me no time to myself. She was also having cat naps of 20 mins so I really didnt have any “down” time to myself.”


We started with walking Melissa through what exactly was happening (understanding sleep is the first step). We got her a solid age appropriate schedule and made sure that she was setting her baby up for success for some solid, longer naps just by finding the right timing to put her down.

We looked at her environment and make sure that was working to help her baby with sleep instead of working against her.

We came up with a game plan on how to settle little Isabel and when and how to put her down.

We resolved her nights first, within the first week and still kept a feed at night but disassociated it with sleep (this is moms choice). So little Isabel was able to feed but didn’t depend on it to be able to sleep.

Once she was getting 12 hours of sleep with Isabel putting herself to sleep on her own with little to no crying, we worked on naps.

Naps can be a little tougher because we are working with less sleep drive but she did AMAZING. The best thing was that mom became confident with sleep, she learned how to troubleshoot when days weren’t perfect (that’s impossible), she was more rested and started loving the time she spent with her daughter because they were all in great moods and happy.

“Lily shared a method that worked like magic for us! It was scary to try but our baby got the hang of it almost immediately! It;s crazy how fast they can learn and adjust. The coaching calls were really helpful as well to help troubleshoot any issues that we were experiencing along the way with the new methods.”

She used all of the support we offered inside of the Your Dream Plan program and learned strategies that helped her become a more confident parent.


“SLEEP IS AMAZING! Naps are so easy now, we put her down in her crib awake and she soothes herself to sleep within 10 mins. She barely cries now as shes gotten to the point where she has learnt her nap times and puts herself to rest. I also no longer need to breastfeed her to sleep which was a huge goal of mine.”

Now with her daughter sleeping 12 hrs and getting some great naps Melissa is able to be the parent she wants to be and doesn’t really have to worry about sleep because she knows what to do and how to respond at each situation.

We are so blessed to have families like Melissa’s in the program who use all of the support and execute their customized plans with commitment. They get results!

“Lily was amazing in helping us get our daughter to nap on her own. Not only has this given us so much more time back in our day, but our daughter just seems so much more confident and happy when it comes to nap time! With these changes, her naps are also longer now (sometimes even 2 hours) and so this adjustment has finally allowed me to start getting my life back on track! The coaching calls are amazing as well as I used this as a way to troubleshoot and ask any questions/share any concerns around the sleeping training. Both Lilly and Jen were very knowledgeable and provided so much support.”

If you want to sleep better, you absolutely can be in the same place Melissa and her family are in. 100%.

Learn more about Your Dream Plan here and let’s get you started.

The holidays are coming up and the last thing you want is to be tired and miss out on the memories.

Look forward to getting you YOUR dream sleep.


Your Pediatric Sleep Consultant


Disclaimer: This case study is printed with the parents permission, but names have been changed to respect client privacy.