Exhausted from multiple night wakings, feeding at night & short naps - Elliot 7.5 months
Little Elliot’s parents felt so tired and really needed more consistency and better sleep for everyone. They where referred by a friend and really couldn’t imagine little Elliot sleeping 12 hours at night like their friends baby. It seemed too good to be true.
They made the decision to finally address their sleep situation and look for ways to improve sleep for everyone. This ended up being the best decision they ever made.
This is what they achieved in just a few weeks:
“We got on a consistent schedule that allowed us to better plan our days knowing when naptime was supposed to be. We weaned off night feedings, we decreased night wakings and Elliott learned how to put himself back to sleep. Elliott learned how to put himself to sleep for naps and bedtime as well as connect sleep cycles during his longer nap.” - Lauren
We went through their customized sleep plan in detail, reviewed logs and met weekly to ensure that they where seeing results and could ask questions. We also had them in a private chat group where they could ask questions as they came up.
Now with night some great sleep, this family has more predictability, confidence and feels rested, giving them more energy to enjoy each other fully. What they thought was impossible was very real for them with just a personalized plan and support along the way to ensure success.
“Lil Baby Sleep has truly helped our family get better sleep for everyone! We feel confident that Elliott knows how to put himself to sleep and resettle to get long stretches of the restful sleep that he needs. We appreciate all the help and guidance we have received from Lily and Jen these past few weeks.” - Lauren
If this is you, you can relate and are needing to improve sleep for your family, reach out and book a call HERE. We can get you the same results through the Your Dream Plan program.