The Right Fit - Finding the RIGHT Sleep Help For Your Family

First of all, if you're trying to find the right sleep consultant - kudos to you!

Sleep is too hot of a commodity to leave to chance! If your baby's sleep (or lack thereof) is affecting your baby, you and the rest of your family, a sleep consultant can help you get back on track.

I remember how I felt when my baby wasn't sleeping and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. A sleep consultant saved my life!

However, if you Google sleep consultant, it comes up with 593 MILLION results! How do you even know where to start?

When it comes to a sleep consultant, finding the right fit for you and your family will make all the difference.

Having someone there that you can click with and that you can trust makes the whole process easier.

First, however, let's answer the question, "Is it time to reach out to a sleep consultant?"

Should I Use a Sleep Consultant?

Navigating your baby's sleep when you are exhausted is like tightrope walking while blindfolded on a windy day.

So let's make this my humble, but professional opinion, you should reach out to a sleep consultant if:

  • You don't have the time or patience to figure it out yourself (years later you could still be struggling).

  • You've tried to DIY it and it's not working.

  • You want guidance and someone to help you along the way.

  • You want to do it right and fast the first time.

  • You want the confidence to never have to worry about sleep again.

If you see yourself in those points above. IT IS TIME to think about a sleep consultant.

What I can do is guide you along the way, help you see objectively what's not working and give you the tools and strategies to sleep train your baby in a way that’s comfortable to you.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's talk about how to find a sleep consultant for you and your family.

Are You Ready?


I've been doing this for years and have helped hundreds of families get a good night's sleep. I've seen families of every shape and size, in every sort of circumstance.

I can tell whether or not we'll be successful together right away.

The families that see the most success with are those that are DEDICATED and READY to make a change. There's no hesitation and they are ready to do the work.

Let's be honest - helping your baby learn to sleep is HARD. Even with the tools and strategies that we put together, there is still an adjustment and there will still be a transition.

If there was such a thing as a magic potion to make your baby instantly sleep longer and go for naps independently, believe me, I would be all over it. But that is simply not how it works.

So to be a right fit for any sleep consultant, make sure that you're ready. See if you or your partner have any hesitations before beginning, ask her ALL THE QUESTIONS about the process.  Make sure that you are ready and willing to not only put a plan in place, but consistently act in line with the plan.

Don’t worry you don’t need to know all the answers (that’s our job) but you have to be open to coaching and following the plan we give you.

What's the plan?

Like most things, there are different schools of thought when it comes to sleep training, from the strict "cry it out" team to the very gentlest of the “no-cry” approach (no cry doesn’t mean zero crying by the way). Do some research into how your sleep consultant feels and what they specialize in.

Many sleep consultants, like myself, can implement any strategy that fits you and offer customized plans based on your preference. 

I recognize that changing sleep is is a change, and changes can be uncomfortable for babies. How do they express that? By crying!

However, we can use some tools and strategies to minimize that, while still helping your baby to learn how to sleep independently.

Families are all different and the obstacles and challenges that you face are unique. That is why I developed Your Dream Plan.

It accounts for your family's values, challenges and circumstances to come up with YOUR dream plan - the plan you can rely upon to help your baby learn to sleep.

Of course, at each step along the way, you have the support of a sleep consultant who can guide you through these challenges. I won’t ever leave you until your baby is sleeping! 

You also have an entire community of parents who can sympathize when you face an obstacle and celebrate when you have a baby sleep win!

Learn more here and see if Your Dream Plan is the right fit to help your family get a good night's rest.

It’s important that you find someone that is right for you. That you feel can guide you (even if that’s not me!)

Here are a few things to look for:

-Look for someone that works with evidence-based approaches, these are proven and tested methods that are backed by peer reviewed studies. Make sure those studies are published and are credible (often times studies are cited but are not relevant to supporting the hypothesis).

-Look for a sleep consultant from an accredited certification program and if possible part of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants (APSC) 

-Look for someone that brings you trust that you feel you want to guide you in this and that you connect with. 

-Be open to their suggestions and plan because likely they have worked with many many families facing the same struggles and have lots of experience backing up their plan and recommendations. 

In the end, trust the process, it can 100% work for you, if you let it. And know that our job is your success and we are invested in you!

To book a call and chat with me about working together click here.

I can’t wait to connect!