3 Steps to having your baby sleep with anyone - Date Night Essentials!

Date night, girl’s night, and time to yourself are ESSENTIAL in ensuring that you are not getting burnt out and really filling your own cup….so that you can better give to others.

Let’s be honest we all need a break and time to re-connect with ourselves, friends, or our partners.

So how do we ensure that our babies sleep well so we can go out after bedtime and enjoy a night out, a date night, or even just some alone time?

Here are 3 steps that you want to have in place when planning a night out.

  1. Keep routine consistent - For your baby, nothing changes, their routine stays the same and if possible we try to put them to bed ourselves and just hand over the monitor to the babysitter or family member watching them.

    Keeping bedtime the same is key as an overtired baby is known to wake multiple times at the beginning half of the night. Bedtime should be no later than 7:30/8 pm anyway which gives you plenty of time to get a nice dinner in.

    If your bedtime routine stays the same your little one will be relaxed and go down easier, avoiding bedtime battles which often lead to an overtired baby.

If you are not putting the baby to bed:

Make sure the caregiver doing so is comfortable with your bedtime routine. They should be known to the child and it shouldn’t be the first time your child ever takes a bottle if you are breastfeeding. Your little one should be used to going down independently anyway.

2. Give the babysitter or person watching them a rundown of what to expect and do if they should wake up. Ie. what is YOUR response. Sometimes warning them that babies will roll around and wake up slightly but that they know how to put themselves back to sleep. Babysitters tend to panic at even just a slight noise but you know by now that babies are sometimes loud sleepers and wake up partially before going back down to sleep.

3. Make sure they are great sleepers and have the skills to put themselves to sleep all night long without intervention (if over 4 months). This might take a few weeks of practice before you feel confident going out but I promise that babies/children that have independent sleep skills won’t change them that easily that one night so you’ll be able to go out knowing they will sleep and not wake.


Hand over the monitor and HAVE FUN!

You may feel better checking in often, do it! It will give you peace of mind and have your sitter send you pics of them sleeping peacefully.

If you are feeling stuck and can’t seem to get your baby to sleep independently without multiple wake-ups then it’s time to book a free call and find out what you can do and the next steps. Don’t stay stuck!