Case Study: 8 month old Khalil

Lily was a great support for us!

Our goals were to have our son become an independent sleeper for naps and night time sleep as well as sleeping through the night. She was able to help us achieve this. She was very approachable and responsive. Highly recommend her services

Khalil was 8 months old when we started working together. Mom was desperate for help with his sleep. At first, Khalil’s parents hesitated and doubted this would work for their son but they where willing to try because they realized how important a good nights sleep was for the entire family. It paid off.

Khalil was waking 2-3 times at night and needed to be patted or nursed to sleep at every waking.

Mom & Dad needed a plan on how to approach his night wakings. They were also looking for strategies for getting Khalil sleeping longer stretches at night and self-settling independently.

The goal was to improve Khalil’s sleep, so they have more energy during the day and establish healthy sleep habits for the entire family.

We started working on a wholistic plan to set Khalil up for success. We addressed safety, his sleep environment, bedtime routine and nutrition. All of the foundations. Khalil started on solids and we were able to wean him from feedings at night.

Within days he was out of the swaddle and into a sleep sack. His mom & dad did a great job at making his room as conducive to sleep as possible, they bought back out blinds and have a fan running in his room.

Within a week and with the introduction of a settling technique, Khalil was sleeping 12 hours at night. Any night wake ups he could now roll over and put himself back to sleep. He mastered the skill in no time!

Khalil is now not only a great independent sleeper but he’s also a great napper. Mom is now able to have time to herself during naps as they are predictable and help re-energize them to enjoy the day together.

 Khalil’s parents are now getting the rest they need and so is little Khalil. He is a well-rested, happy baby and his parents now have the tools and knowledge to approach sleep confidently.

It was such a pleasure working with this family. Although they know that sleep is constantly changing as our children grow, they are now confident and equipped to know what to do to continue great sleep habits in the future.