Case Study: Reflux baby, from waking every 1-2 hours overnight to sleeping 12 hours at night
“Wonderful and life changing!
If you want to sleep Lily. She helped me get my baby to sleep through the night and nap in the crib. I couldn’t have done it without her continued support.
She is the best cheerleader for those very difficult moments when you just want to give up.
Thank you Lily!! You are the best” – Alana Hurov
Reflux baby, from waking every 1-2 hours overnight to sleeping 12 hours at night with 2 good naps a day.
Case Study: Katherine – 5 months old.
Katherine was 5 months (17 weeks) when we began working together on her sleep plan. Katherine was waking up every two hours at night and her naps were inconsistent throughout the day. Mom was holding her for all naps and feeding/rocking to sleep. Katherine was also in the snuggle me for most naps and night sleep. Needless to say mom was exhausted and sleep deprived.
Mom’s goals were to establish a consistent daytime routine for naps, to help Katherine learn to self-settle and create healthy sleep habits and to have Katherine sleeping longer stretches at night and independently for naps (without holding or the snuggle me).
Mom did a fantastic job at implementing the plan, she was committed and work diligently to provide Katherine with the best environment possible for sleep. She set her up for success in every way!
Katherine transitioned out of the snuggle me within days. She transitioned into a sleep sack and mom instituted a great bedtime routine. Katherine was often spitting up, so her feeds were adjusted.
After a week of implementing a settling technique for Katherine, she was sleeping the entire night all by herself.
We had a home consult to then work on her naps. It took 20 minutes and Katherine was going down for naps easily with minimal crying and soon connecting her sleep cycles on her own.
Her naps lengthened from no longer than 30 minutes at the start of our work together, to almost 2 hours. She was also sleeping all night and self-settling for bedtime. Mom was only feeding once in the morning by the end of our time together.
Mom gained great insights into sleep and was able to troubleshoot her schedule when naps were short, or something threw off her day. Mom became an expert in knowing what Katherine needed and how to approach sleep. Katherine is now a well-rested, happy, sweet natured little girl.
After successfully sleeping all night now, we know there can be setbacks and adjustments along the way, I know mom is now equipped with the knowledge that she needs to combat any problem and Katherine has mastered independent sleep so well. It was a pleasure working with Alana and Katherine. They have a wonderful family and now some great sleep habits for the future.
*permission was received to share this story and picture