Answers to my Top Sleep Questions

I get asked sleep questions every day and I find that many are similar, it makes sense that parents face similar sleep challenges.

Let me briefly answer some for you here!

Can I still sleep train without having to let my baby “cry it out”?

This is probably the most common sleep question I get.

The answer is ABSOLUTELY. The word sleep training encompasses a number of approaches that help babies fall asleep independently, it should really be called sleep LEARNING.

You can always choose very gentle and gradual approaches to help improve your child’s sleep. To be honest, you can and should choose a method that fits best with your parenting philosophy, baby’s temperament and family preferences. I never recommend sleep training strategies that my clients don’t feel comfortable with, because they will likely not be successful and follow through.

How you choose to improve your sleep is your decision, all approaches get you to the same place just via different roads. I can help explain all approaches and why no approach I implement involves “cry it out”.

A truly wholistic approach will encompass all of your families needs, preferences and specific characteristics.

Do I guarantee there won’t be tears? no. Just like I can’t guarantee that your baby won’t cry when faced with any situation that frustrates them (I soo wish I had those magical powers). Learning something new is frustrating.

HOWEVER, we can certainly minimize tears and be responsive BUT stopping a baby from crying by any means possible is not going to help them and in fact it’s saying that hard feeling aren’t safe. The truth is we all have to deal with hard emotions including frustration but we move through them not avoid them.

Through frustration comes learning and just like learning to walk can be frustrating, we keep practicing as long as it’s age appropriate.

You can 100% be there to support, be responsive and cheer them on. If they do cry it’s for a very short period of time and there are certainly ways to keep you close to comfort and so your presence is felt.

*this is all based on how developmentally ready your child is, so chat with me about your specific baby so we can make that assessment.

Sleep Training What it is and What it’s not

Why work with a certified sleep consultant?

I might be bias but I believe that the best investment you can make for your time and sanity is to do it right the first time. Take away all the information overwhelm and have one clear headed, evidence based, well researched plan, not pieced together at 3am when you’ve fallen into the hole of sleep deprivation.

When we become parents there are many things we need to learn, we have Doctors to look at the health of our child, lactation consultants that help us with breastfeeding, Nutritionist’/Dieticians that help us with our childs nutrition and why not someone to help you with sleep? How can we expect tired moms to manage all of the information around sleep when they don’t even have the time to take a shower (truth, I’ve been there!).

Along with eating, sleep is a basic human NEED especially for babies/toddlers when their little brains are maturing, learning, building memory, skills and growing exponentially. A parents health matters too. How can we give all we have to these tiny beings when our tanks are running on empty?

It’s okay to get help, sleep is not easy but there is so much you can do to help your baby sleep and this in turn will dramatically improve your parenting experience and your family dynamics. As many can attest, you are not yourself when you are tired.

Can you tell I’m passionate about maternal health and family wellbeing? And admittedly obsessed with sleep and how essential it is for well, LIFE and HEALTH.

I am certified as an infant and toddler sleep consultant through the Baby and Toddler Sleep Consultant Training-based out of New Zealand- an internationally accredited program. I carefully selected this program because of it’s evidence-based approach, it’s intensive mentoring, science centred and academically advanced reputation. I also receive continual support with a world-wide network of experts that have a wide range of experience in paediatric health. Together with this network of knowledge, we can tackle any sleep problem. I’m trained in sleep science, sleep physiology and all sleep coaching techniques. I’ve read ALL the books on sleep and vigorously studied the scientific journals and current studies on sleep. I’ve done ALL the work for you!

To add to this, I’m a mom and I’ve been there! I’ve cried at 3am from frustration, I’ve stayed up dozing off but waiting for the next wake up and bought WAY too much stuff off amazon at 1am. I’ve wondered why my baby just won’t sleep and felt hopeless to find myself again. I’ve snapped at my husband, felt irratated with my baby and just was desperate for some relief from the sleepless nights. I’ve had feelings of guilt and inadequacy, “am I even a good mom” and I’ve suffered from post pardon anxiety.

I’ve been there and I’ve also been on the other side too. And WOW. the feeling of cuddling my little one with no worries about sleep, feeling energized and ready to take on the day and actually excited to do things as a family, made me realize that with just a little help and support, my parenting experience can be remembered and thoroughly enjoyed, vividly, with a clear mind! Enough to go back to school and start a business!

So this is why you should hire a sleep consultant. A person in YOUR corner, who will do all the thinking for you and give you a customized, very personalized action plan and be there to hold your hand while you implement it. So that you never have to feel stressed about sleep again.

I’ve tried so many approaches before, how do I know this will work?

I’ve been there. I tried every approach in the books and on the internet! It was all too overwhelming.
You start something, it doesnt work, your exhausted to continue and you move on to something else.

My clients are often skeptical at first but what they soon realize is that having an approach is one thing but it’s HOW you apply it that makes the difference. Are you setting your baby up for success? Are you taking into consideration all the unique factors that influence whether this will be an easy or difficult process? Have you assessed your baby and their temperament and taken into account their sleep needs? Are you implementing something that you are comfortable with? This is what makes ALL the difference, not only this but having someone to provide guidance, troubleshoot with you but more than anything provides encouragement and emotional support. To follow through the entire way, until you reach those goals and think “why didn’t I do this sooner!”.

My actual clients:

When is the best time to start working on my baby’s sleep?

Anytime! You’re never too early or too late to start setting up great sleep habits for your family. With newborns we start by setting up a great sleep foundation and most of them don’t need any formal sleep training. Toddlers can also learn to love their bed with some very customized behavioural techniques and approaches. No matter what stage you’re in, sleep can always be improved and you can and should be sleeping beautifully.

All of the additional questions below I also get asked all the time and each has a blog post dedicated to it ( I also make myself available for free phone calls to answer these questions for you! They all have answers and can all be fixed. PROMISE.

Why does my baby wake up so early in the morning?

What time should bedtime be?

Why is my baby waking up multiple times at night and how do I get them to sleep longer stretches?

What do I do if my baby is having short naps?

How do I make bedtime easier?

I’m travelling with my baby, is this going to affect her sleep?

How do I know if my baby is waking up hungry?

How do I know if my baby is not sleeping due to teething?


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