Finding the Right Potty and Seat - Top Picks for Toilet Training Toddlers

Once you decide it’s time to Potty Train (YAY!) there are decisions to be made. Very important seats need to be purchased.

The options are endless when trying to find the right Potty.

Do you go for the top of the line potty that sings while you flush or a kid-sized seat that goes on the full-sized toilet? Do you want the one with stairs leading to the porcelain throne or ditch the frills and go with convenience?

I’m going to clarify everything you need here. Finding the right Potty seat doesn’t have to be confusing or overwhelming.

The top 2 things we need to consider:

  1. Comfort

  2. Convenience

That is it. I’m going to tell you right now that a potty doesn’t need to be expensive or have all the bells and whistles (sorry talking Elmo).

In the potty world there are two options:

  1. A free-standing toddler-sized potty

  2. A kid-sized seat that goes on the actual toilet

You can go for either but in my experience working with families, when first starting out, a free-standing toddler-sized potty works best.

I definitely think there are pros and cons to each but the portable potty chair is going to be easier to work with at first and then once established on that, you can move to the kid-sized seat on the toilet.

Yes, you might have to clean it out after each potty trip but it’s much better than having your toddler teeter on the toilet and become afraid of falling in (that’s a thing!). Once afraid, it’s hard to recover.

Some must-haves:

  • The potty must be light and portable

  • It must be the right size for your toddler and comfortable (test it out!). Remember if they are not comfortable on it there is no way they will want to sit on it longer than a second.

  • It should be easy to clean out, store, and take with you.

Although we want our child to like it, a potty is not meant to be a toy. So the general rule of thumb is comfortable and plain. You might even want to get one for every room/level of your house but if it’s light you can always just move it from room to room.

It’s not a pretty home decor statement piece, I get it. but for the first few weeks, it might need to be on hand as your little one will likely not make it to the bathroom on time. Sorry 😬

You can most definitely have your child help pick it out but get them to choose simple things like the color. Stay away from the most extravagant potty on the market because likely they will want the one that dances but sitting on it will be a whole other story! The novelty wears off. So just white or green is a good enough choice, I promise your child will not care.

Once they are established on the little potty, then you can graduate to the seat and purchase one for bathroom visits on-on-the-go!

Here are some of my potty & seat recommendations that are lightweight, comfortable (this is dependent on the child, their height, and preference), and convenient.

Potty Chairs:

Potty Training Seats:

Travel Potty’s and Accessories:

*You don’t necessarily NEED a travel potty if you have a light weight, portable stand alone potty like the one’s above

In the end, as with everything with parenting. You choose the potty that works right for you and your particular child!

Once you check off the potty chair then CONGRATULATIONS! You are ready to Potty Train!

It’s often hard to know where to begin from here to let me guide you.

Here is a checklist to see if you are actually ready to potty train.

I’m here to support you and guide you the entire way so reach out anytime!


Your Potty Training Consultant