3 Simple Steps to Potty Train Stubborn Toddlers!

Have you decided to potty train? Loaded up on all the potty training equipment? Talked it up until you’re blue in the face?

You feel like you have an idea how you’re going to do it but not 100% confident about what to do and what to expect…

Here is the biggest truth about potty training…We have ZERO control. It’s all up to them. Scary I know.

All we can do is set them up for success.

As a potty training consultant and oh crap potty training specialist, I can tell you that you WILL likely face roadblocks and resistance. This is usually when either 1) parents come running to me for help 2) parents give up and put it off saying: “they are not ready”.

But what if I told you that resistance does NOT mean they are not ready. We actually expect resistance.

Holding poo, accidents, refusing to sit, sitting but then peeing or pooping their pants right after, fears, daycare accidents, refusing to go anywhere but the potty, tantrums, power struggles…I’ve seen it all and all of these are normal parts of learning.

So how do you handle them? what do you do?

Step 1: Adjust and set expectations

Setting realistic expectations for what potty training is going to look like and how long it will take is the most important key to success.

We know that younger children (18 months) can absolutely learn to potty training however, the learning curve is longer and there is more parental guidance needed - The learning part will require more time.



With older children (3+) however, we face the obstacle of not necessarily learning but of power struggles. They learn quickly but their new sense of self will provide some push back. So strategies need to be centered on not engaging in power struggles but how to allow them to actively participate without feeling pressured into it.

Understanding age-specific strategies are important and setting expectations that yes, for some children it won’t be a three-day process.

If we understand the learning process, how toddlers connect each of these steps in their brain and how to get them participating in learning, we will have success and avoid the stress that parents feel when “they are just not getting it, as fast as we expect”.

Step 2: Have a plan

“Goals without a plan are just dreams” -Dave Ramsey

It’s so true, if you don’t have a plan you can’t expect it to be easy. If you plan to “wing it”, great but know that you might need to re-start a few times and find the hard way through the weeds. There are people that have gone before you, learn from them.

Get a plan together on how you will approach potty training just like you do with any type of learning. It doesn’t have to be rigid or strict but at least understand what needs to happen.

Plans are your roadmaps. Get a roadmap from a trustworthy source and not what worked for your friends’ friend.

If something ever goes wonky, then ALWAYS go back to your plan. A plan will also keep you consistent and on course. You might be tempted to switch it up many times without a plan and that in the end is the worst thing you can do, as it doesn’t provide the consistency and learning time that is needed to learn a new skill.

Step 3: line up some support

Do we always expect everything to go “according to plan”, NO. Actually, I can assure you it won’t. This doesn’t mean that the plan is not working only that we are working with real-life human beings that react to situations differently.

Customization is a big part of potty training that many don’t consider. How do we take a plan and apply it to OUR child? I always say, you know your child best, but there are experts that know potty training best. So together let’s work to get you the best approach.

Often parents will have lots of troubleshooting questions…where do you turn to ask these questions?

Well, there needs to be support included with every plan otherwise parents can’t figure out solutions and are more likely to give up. Prolonging the process and making it harder than it needs to be.

All three of these steps are essential and there is nothing currently that provides each of these steps in an easy, online, affordable package.


Introducing: Lil Potty Plan. An online program that provides the knowledge and expectations, the step by step plan, and the built-in support. All in one affordable online program platform.

Watch the video tutorials, download your plan and book your support calls. Turn to our online community for help and to ask all the questions you need!

This is a done for you option.

Register now.

If you are struggling to figure out where to begin, frustrated by a setback, or just want clarity and support along the way, then Lil Potty Plan is designed to get you to the finish line. TOGETHER.

In the end, potty training toddlers is not magic, it takes some preparation and guidance so let me help guide you.

Reach out if you have any questions!

Lil xx